Thursday, July 5, 2012

Food + Art = Yummy fun!

June 11-15 Camp

August 20-24 (different projects will be created than those shown from first week.) 

Most of our inspirations were our own, creating in clay, chalk pastels, detailed pencil drawings and paintings.  All inspiration was from foods we love.  It is always fun to play with your food!

This was our exercise before we played with our food.  Portraiture, placement, texture, shape, line and details all explored.
Personal style, excessively cute!
 Blending, layering, shape, shade and definition assisted in creating our still life drawn with chalk pastels.  This drawing below is the beginning of an exercise that Studio 4 Art has all of its students exercise, which is training the eye to see like an artists sees.  Artists are the most observant people on this planet, I guarantee it!
Beginning to see like an artist, begins with closing your eyes and feeling the shape and texture.
Could she be any more focused!
On our last day of camp, as a treat and exercise to combine all that we have learned throughout the week...a study of a cupcake.  Then, we eat it!  This artist is so focused, looking at different colors in the frosting, the paper cup and the shadow.  Even to the little bits of chocolate on top! 

The number one response I heard from parents, "Oh, my gosh.  I have to get this framed!"

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