• February2 (Wed), February 5 (Saturday)- Cupcake box with cupcake stand $35
Time: Wednesday 6:00-8:00/ Saturday 10:00-12:00
Ages: 6-Adult
Pinch pots, templates and molds will be used to create a Valentines gift that will create a smile. Cupcake box can be used for jewelery or any treasure. Cupcake stand can be used for your cupcake box or for edible, yummy cupcakes.
• February 9 (Wed), March 16 (Wed)- Poetic Mosaic stepping stones or Mirrors $40
Time: 6:00-8:00
Ages: 7-Adult
Incorporate language with your mosaic. Studio 4 Art will share how to create poems, inspirational words, or names onto tiles or glass to work into your design. Directions and supplies for grouting will be taken home. You are welcome to come back and use our studio for this step.
• February12 (Sat), March 23 (Wed) - Card Making (set of 3) handmade paper, cloth and sewing $15
Time: Wednesday 6:00-8:00/ Saturday 10:00-12:00
Ages: 7-Adult
Hand-sewing, Bringing your own machine or use one of ours. Fabric, wool, handmade paper will be used to sew a card that is sure to be framed for it’s beauty and uniqueness. For birthdays, Valentines day, Easter or just because.
• February 16 (Wed), March 19 (Sat)- Printing-making on wet clay
Time: Wednesday 6:00-8:00/ Saturday 10:00-12:00
Ages: 8-Adult
Learn about printmaking on clay, stamping with underglaze inks, draping, slumping and slab rolling. Create platters, mugs, vases, plates or bowls. Clay will be fired in our kiln with a high temperature clay that is as strong as china clay.
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Event Address: 1385 N. Hamilton Parkway, Novato, CA 94949
Studio 4 Art and What’s Cooking with Kids teams up in support for Homeword Bound of Marin.
Soup - The Bowl That Keeps Feeding is a fundraiser to feed local children in need of a warm meal. It is an event that allows children to become involved in their community through food and art. The children make the food, create the art, and share them both with our guests.
How does it work? You contribute a small donation, choose a hand-thrown bowl, and we fill it with savory soup.
You leave with a full belly, a piece of art and a warm heart knowing that your donation helped to feed a child.
• Every Wednesday Evening until February 23rd- Making bowls for SOUP! FREE.
Time: Wednesday 5:300-8:00
Come and have fun while throwing, molding, draping or coiling bowls for our charity event. All Ages
• Every day from March 2nd-March 10th- Glaze and decorate bowls for SOUP! FREE.
All Ages