What a great time we all had at art camp in Corte Madera. This is an acrylic painting that was created by Molly, a camper that I have had for 5 years! This painting is luscious! Her use of paint, shading, light, color and texture make this teacher proud. Thanks for joining us again!!

Can 5 year olds be any cuter?! Sydney (on right hand side) was 18 months old the last time I had her in a class. Yes, I do start classes before the kids are 2! It was so fun to see her again.
Here they are all three working on their cupcake still life. Very hard to resist the temptation of sticking their fingers in the frosting, but they did it.....well almost.

Although some of the campers weren't in this photo I wanted to share the difference in age that we had this week (like all others). This group too was so wonderful together. They all were so proud of their cupcake still life. We celebrated that every cupcake was painted with a little bit different technique and style. Making all of them as unique as each of them are! I celebrate diversity every chance I get.

I am trying more than ever to repurpose items in art. Here Andy created a sculpture using items I had saved from our own recycling. First we glued boxes, cylinders and jars together. Then we added plaster strips to have the sculpture become rigid. As the final touch we added brightly colored acrylic paint. It was a really fun art project! And, as you can see they became quite large.

This was one of the clay projects this week. Creating a pinch pot, then adding a slab of clay, cut to create a cone shape, adding both together to create a fun birdhouse. As with most things, they all turned out better than I could have envisioned.
This birdhouse was created by Cameron. To share my history with Cameron, his mom (Windy Linden) was my 18 year old daughters Kindergarten teacher at Tam Valley. She is such a wonderful person and we have been friends ever sense. Now we both have a 1 year olds with birthdays 2 days a part! It has been fun together.
Thanks for joining us this week Cameron.

This is my dear little Kaden. When he saw all the "big" kids creating, he had to experience it too! Look at those fingers...fine dexterity already. It his 18 year old sister (Jenessa) in the striped shirt behind him, wish you could see her face. She was the teachers assistant all week and I greatly appreciated her help and the kids thought it was great having a teenager help them.
Thanks everyone!!
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