It is amazing to me to think that I opened Studio 4 Art when my son was just 18 months old (he is now 4; and 3/4 as he will explain) because I had a vision of what I felt our children deserved and were not getting in any school. It has been a fast changing, ever thrilling ride so far. The doors of Studio 4 Art swung open in September 2008 with the power of one, myself. I was being mom to 3, teaching, marketing and learning the ropes of being a business woman, all because I believed in what Studio 4 Art could do for children. To look at the shop now, with our ever expanding group of 7 teachers, it is humbling to think that they work for Studio 4 Art. I don't know how so many awesome people have come our way, but I am thrilled, honored and extremely appreciative of each and every one of our instructors.
Now, on with the story of how I felt compelled to take this adventure on. Although Studio 4 Art is going into it's 4th year, I have been teaching for over 14 years. It all began 17 years ago when I attended Mill Valley Nursery School with my now 21 year old son. It was so inspiring to see the creatively through play and an open ended art curriculum. The children just thrived in this environment. As the years passed and my second child (now 18) attended this same school, I was beginning to realize it was not just the two of them that were growing, I too was gaining invaluable knowledge. Part of the requirement of this school was to teach once a week. So not only was I gaining information as a parent to my kids, but I was also "finding" myself in this environment. It wasn't long after this inspirational experience that I went back to school to begin getting credits for a teaching credential. For fun, as I was engaged in early childhood educational courses, I decided to take an art class. This is when the heavens opened, angels began to sing and my passion exploded.
Not soon after going back to college, I found myself a single mom. Trying to figure out what I wanted to do to support myself while going to school and my two kids, I decided to begin teaching after school programs in art. I started teaching at my own kids school in Mill Valley and I focused on painting, drawing, mosaics, paper making, sewing, printmaking and any combination of these. They were very successful and grew and I took on many more schools and joined efforts with the Mill Valley Recreational Department. I was jazzed every time I taught a class. It was so fulfilling to see the students create something from nothing. Something I was enlightened with back in my clothing design days at Kebby Kids.
So, the path of teacher had begun. I gained my degree and focused on art and child psychology as I thought that child psychology would be a knowledgeable base that would put me ahead. And boy has it come in handy over the years. My next adventure would be joining a new business called doodlebug. At the time it was a paint it yourself pottery studio. I was hired to be the education coordinator and put together a program that is still followed 10 years later. I was the teacher for 90% of the program and loved connecting with the students, but felt suppressed and challenged with the organization of the establishment. I had such strong visions of what I thought a learning environment should be for children that I needed to move on.
Eventually my path lead me to Studio 4 Art and the opening of a studio in San Rafael. This was short lived due to the sale of the building. But, it did give me a taste of the possibility and the desire of having a permanent brick and mortar studio.
Juggling my two older children and their many commitments in school, gymnastics and my own schooling, I continued Studio 4 Art, but took it on the road as Studio 4 Art on Wheels. I traveled all over Marin and even into Sonoma County teaching after school programs, home schooling groups and private classes. It was challenging, but I loved teaching art and felt that I could still teach while creating my own schedule around these other activities.
Time went on and this pattern continued, but something new and exciting was now in my life. A wonderful man, and surprisingly someone I had known for over 12 years. Sparks flew, love grew and in a short amount of time we decided to marry and have a baby. Now, call me crazy because I sometimes do too, because my two older kids were 14 and 17. But, it is the best gift I have been given yet. And with the strength and support of my now husband, I felt that it was time to grow Studio 4 Art into the vision that I had seen for years. My family is the greatest blessing of all, but I also feel so blessed to have a job that I absolutely love and find so extremely important in changing how our children are currently being taught in our schools. I feel that I have to stand up and not only be a voice for them, but to also give them a voice. The voice of choice in their creative exploration and the gained knowledge of the creative process that art teaches.
My path has been windy from being obligated to teach at a nursery school, to being enlightened by the creative learning process. From being employed as an educational coordinator for a different business, to then trying to open a Studio 4 Art in San Rafael. From being challenged and having to shut the doors to getting back on the horse to teach after school programs yet again. All leading me to the finale, the brick and mortar we now call home. Whew, I get dizzy trying to follow my own story. But, I do hope you find it entertaining and now have a better understanding of what you can do with a vision, passion, patience and determination. And my story is not over yet. I continue to have inspiration that I feel compelled to follow.and determination.
It takes a Village, Oil on Canvas, 4' x 4', Kebby McInroy