"Eat a still-life" camp was a great success. Everyday students would explore yummy treats through drawing, paint and clay.
Students trained their artist eye to see details that the eye may not have seen before while observing their still-life. For acrylic paintings students matched their cupcake, mixing primary colors to create brown, pink, orange, green, magenta, and more.

Discussing the layering of color, negative space and composition students went on to create a watercolor paintings.
Clay was also involved in this mouth watering still-life experience. Having a heaping plate of donuts... astonishing focus for students to get involved with their art. Anticipating indulgence in their art experience.

These are the results of our donuts. Look good enough to eat, but don't, you may break a tooth. Fooled many customers, all wondering if Studio 4 Art was now serving treats.

Recycle, Reuse, Re-purpose Camp.
This camp was great to see the kids explore. Having canisters, cans, boxes, plastics and computer parts to work into designing a sculpture. Once the armature was finished the sculptures were then covered with plaster. The final element was the fun of paint with splatters, blotches, spots and stripes.

Puppet Camp
Drawing their idea, sewing, creating in clay and learning the proportion of the face was our focus. I think these finger puppets showed the diversity, uniqueness and creativity that continues to be the spirit of our studio.
Portrait below is our study of the face. Looking in a mirror, learning how to measure for features, the importance of shape and line, created this expressive piece. Also, in action sewer, stitching his creature.

Art Bags
Every Friday is create your own recyclable art bag. Something for our students to bring all of their art goodies home in. This was an exploration in screen-printing. Also pictured is my handy, creative, beautiful, amazing, instructor and daughter, Jenessa. Thanks for all of your hard work so far J!!

This was another Friday Art Bag...this time using a printing plate. Kids had fun putting it through our printing press. This print was created by a soon to be Kindergarten student. Too cool!

Free Choice.
Our camps are designed so that children have an educational, group activity for the first hour to exercise their minds. After that hour the studio is open to explore and create whatever and with whatever materials each child wants.
It is so fun to have both available. After our first hour we will have a few kids painting, a few kids sculpting, a few kids on the wheel and usually a few sewing. The studio becomes ALIVE with creative energy!

Summer Hours for drop-in/drop-off are from 2:00-6:00 Monday-Friday and Saturday from 3:00-6:00. Remember we have air conditioning for those hot Summer days.
This painting was for a mom on her birthday. Exploring color and the stroke of a brush made for a wonderful present. (age 5)

Our potter's wheels are for those with experience and for those that don't have any. Come in and have a messy, muddy, although relaxing time. Items made on a wheel could be cups, mugs, bowls, plates, platters, vases, tea pots and any other round object.