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Many ask what the difference is between a workshop, class and drop-in besides the cost. The average cost for a workshop (class) is $20 a session vs. the $18 that the drop-in requires. At first glance the drop-in seems like the "deal". In some aspects it may be the deal for you. However, I want to make clear the difference so that you can make a knowledgeable decision.
First, the term workshop and class can be intermixed. Studio 4 Art uses the term workshop to set us a part from art class you/your child may have experienced in the past. In our workshops we teach to the highest potential your child may possess. Studio 4 Art’s workshops also enable students to use whatever supplies they may need, with no limits.
Our first session together is not only getting to know each other, but to evaluate your child’s (/your) desires in art and to get an understanding of where your child (/you) is in his/her creative process. Studio 4 Art teaches on a very individual basis and this first lesson is the most enlightening for both instructor and student. It is the foundation to make the following sessions amazing, successful and fun.
Our next sessions together are to scaffold on the knowledge and talent your child (or you) has shown. In essence, children and adults are in charge of their own learning. Studio 4 Art’s staff is there just to facilitate and to give guidance. Our instructors will use terminology, technique, our experience and the experience of historical artists to give children and adults the tools needed for success.
Studio 4 Art has designed their workshops to be in 4-week increments. Four weeks is the minimum I have found to practice and understand the medium and techniques that are being taught. Practice is imperative to learning. Think about learning to read or how to ride a bike. They all take years to really master. Just as in many subjects, learning about fine art is a lifelong adventure.
So, what is a drop-in then? Well, it is for those that want to dabble, experiment, have limited time or that can’t commit to a 4-week workshop. A person that drop’s in may be there for just one hour or for the day. It is open to all art mediums. However, there is a set amount of supplies that your $18 drop-in fee allows. Drop-in’s also won’t get the undivided attention that the workshops take pride in.
But, because our goal is to have everyone that wants to experience the creative process to be positive, we will never leave anyone to flounder. Studio 4 Art’s staff will guide you too! Ultimately, Studio 4 Art wants it's customers to value and understand how important art is in every person's life. Whether it is a one time experience or for years to come.
Please note that if our workshop schedule does not accommodate yours, we will create a workshop special to you and your needs. Choose date(s), what you would like to concentrate on and the duration of each workshop (from 1 hour up to 2 hours).
We love art and we want you to love art too!!
Wow, very cool to see kids creating art, loving this post and pictures
Great to see the kids getting a chance to express their talent!
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