Camp last week was held at
Northbay ArtWorks in
Novato. Artists had the opportunity to create, invent, explore, and learn different techniques. There were different stations with mosaics, drawing, painting, screenprinting and clay set up everyday. This camp was set-up so that you could sign-up for one day or for all five. The children ranged in age from 4-13 and the average number of children per day was 11 .

The initial look of the painting station. No table should look this clean!

Now this is what a painting table should look like! Artists are learning about color mixing, layering, blending, atmosphere and land, brush technique, perspective, shades and tones.

Clay table in action. Many tools to experiment with. By the end of the week aliens, creatures, sculptures, mugs, plates, bowls and flowers were made.

Mosaic station learning about pattern, design, terrasae, and how to use mastic.

Getting screens ready for printing.

Anna shares her screenprinting design. Thanks for sharing, isn't it colorful and fun!

This is a day that cartooning and comic strips were being discussed. There were many characters, many situations and many places that were chosen from and then put into comic strip form. One comic that was created was a dinosaur on a shopping spree on a busy city street. Great visual, huh?

Everyday we started the morning with training our artist eye, being observant. Here we are observing not just our smelly shoes, but looking at shape and value.

I haven's seen Bryce in a year. His creativity has grown, just as he had. This is an acrylic painting of an alien in progress.

The drawing table was a hit the entire week. There were many different mediums to discover and learn about. Many creatures and cartoons came to life here!
Thanks to all of my campers. Your art was enjoyable and your character's were fun! I had a wonderful week and look forward to seeing all of you soon.
This week I will be teaching in Kentfield at a private camp. I will post photos by the end of the week!