I went with my son to a new space for children in San Anselmo called Playdate Café. He had a great time and played for a full 2 hours, which surprised and delighted me! While he was intrigued with the space and the children I was intrigued with the amazingly creative and successful people I met.
Playdate Café is a space for children to play but also has a menu with toddlers in mind. The food is healthy and presented in a playful, colorful and creative way. Well, I was fortunate to meet the brains behind the food. Jennifer Carden is a multi-talented woman who is also an author of a book called The Toddler Café. Playdate Café had a copy of the book at the register and I have to say I was impressed. It is very colorful. A book full of recipes, fun ways to serve food and I was laughing out loud at the pictures of the kids. The whisical and playful attitude captured in the photos is hilarious.
Guess who the photographer for The Toddler Café is? None other than Jennifer's husband, Matthew Carden. I looked at his site today and there was a link to his personal work. I think I may just have to buy one of his works, they are quite comical. Check it out!
But wait there's more. I also met Michelle Stern. Michelle is an entrepreneur who has a business called What's Cooking. She offers classes and birthday parties to children showing that cooking healthy can be fun. Michelle also offers a What's Cooking Weekly site which is an online menu service offering healthy and seasonal recipes, grocery lists and tips on making cooking with your kids fun and simple. She is a woman that I look up to. I think her business is very thought-out and thorough.
To round out this adventure I even had the opportunity to casually chat with Lisa Quinn from The View from the Bay on Channel 7. Not that she would remember me, but still fun.
A good playdate for both Kaden and I.
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