Toddlers, Preschool, drawing, cartooning, painting, pottery, all art and sewing for all ages!
20 months-3 years
M-F 10:00-10:40
Limited to 8 children.
Four stations set up every class period. We begin our class with a short story. Following with a choice of:
Project created based off of story read (with guidance from instructor)
Clay sculpting
Drawing/cutting/gluing stations.
Child with assistant (mom, dad or helper) a must for this class.
Ages 3-5
M-F 11:00-12:00
Class organized with the same set-up as toddler class. The difference is a more guided, instructed and drop-off class. Please know that in all classes we welcome parents to stay. However, you have the option of running errands or going for a cup of coffee.
Limited to 6 children.

Pre-K/K drawing
M 1:30-2:30
Ages 5-6
M 2:30-3:30
Ages 5-9
M 3:45-5:00
Ages 10-14
M 4:00-5:30
Working from nature, still-life, photographs and independent ideas, students will be introduced to specific drawing fundamentals and techniques including line drawing, value, shape, pattern, texture, shading, perspective and composition. Mediums that are introduced are graphite, ink, charcoal, chalk pastel, oil pastel, graphic markers, conté crayons, colored pencil's, ink pencils and water pencil. Personal style is celebrated and age appropriate activities will be executed.
Cartooning: From single panel, 3 or 4 panel comic strips to comic books, to character building, cartoonists will begin to understand how to create a cartoon. Classes focus on expression, shadow, stance/body language, perspective and dialog balloons. Students also explore how to create movement themes, sequence and examine the importance of exaggeration.
T 1:00-3:00
All Ages
Homeschooling class is taught on an individual basis. Learning technique, and terminology with room for exploration, diversity and individuality. Home schooled children are open to any medium and we teach to home classroom philosophies. An initial consultation is necessary to incorporate individual families desires and teaching methods.
Home school students decide which medium they would like to create in every class day. Clay (wheel throwing, sculpture and handbuilding), sewing (machine and hand), drawing, painting (acrylic and encaustic), mosaics, and recycled art are available. Student initiated, with instructor's there to brainstorm, engage, and assist when needed.
Studio 4 Art also partners with Pathways Charter School.
Ages 5-9
T 3:45-5:00
Ages 10-15
T 4:00-5:30
Incorporating drawing fundamentals, students will add color mixing, layering, studies from art history and independent ideas into their curriculum. Mediums explored are watercolors, inks, tempera, acrylic and encaustic. Realism and abstract will be introduced. Personal style is celebrated and honored.
Classes for ages 10+ will be introduced to oil painting.
Ages 3-5
W 1:30-2:30
Ages 6-10
W 2:30-3:30
Ages 8-14
W 4:00-5:30
Clay Hand building
Hand building techniques will be explored in classes using pinch pots, solid build up projects, coiling, slab construction, slumping and draping methods. All items will be created with cone 5 clay, fired in our kiln and then hand decorated with underglazes and fired to final maturity.

Wheel Throwing on the potters wheel begins with learning to center clay, pull up walls, shaping and the final detail of trimming a foot. Items will be thrown from cone 5 clay that will be enhanced with hand decorated details using glazes, underglazes and textured techniques.
Classes for ages 8-14 will be keeping a journal of ideas to combine hand building and wheel throwing methods to create items that are larger, sculpture-like works of art.
Ages 5-9
Th 1:30-3:00
Ages 5-9
Th 3:15-4:45
Ages 10-15
Th 4:00-5:30
All Art is a class for all ages to learn in all mediums that we offer at the studio. Students will gain knowledge in clay (hand building and wheel-throwing), painting (acrylic, water paints and inks), drawing (pencil, charcoal, inks, oil pastels, chalk pastels, and conté pencils), mosaics, and sewing.
Ages 10-15 will work with the same mediums, with bigger flair. More technique will be involved and larger works of art created, incorporating all art mediums.
Ages 3-5
F 1:30-2:30
Ages 3-5
F 2:30-3:30
Hand sewing using felt to create monsters, dolls, robots, pillows, doll clothes, holiday items or anything each independent mind brings. Classes will focus on backstitch, over sewing, blanket and running stitches. Creating your own pattern will be taught.
Machine Sewing
Ages 5-9
F 3:30-4:30
Ages 10-14
F 3:30-5:30
Hand sewing will be continued; description above.
Machine Sewing
Explore machine sewing creating aprons, pillows, fleece hats, skirts, animals, creatures, pj pants, quilts, hot pads, tote bags, repurposed clothing and applique techniques. Additional fabric may be needed when making PJ pants, yoga pants, tote bags, lunch bags, placemats, napkins etc.