Hello All,
It has been awhile from Studio4Art's last post. Apologies. Many changes (all wonderful and good), but it has been dividing my time. The business, plus new
Board of Directors for Downtown Novato Business Association, plus 3 kids, plus a new employee (WELCOME Susan!), plus the
organization of our entire summer camp program, plus
social networking has been eating my time up. I feel that I have adjusted now and am able to add great information to our blog.
Studio4Art's will be giving some great art ideas and projects for your own time with art. Whether you use these ideas for your own family, yourself, your classroom or for inspiration, I hope you find them helpful!! Check back frequently, as I will be posting up to 2 times a week with new inspirations!
Pointillism: The study of Georges Seurat
Studio4Art just finished a painting using Mr. Seurat as an inspiration. If possible, please get a book with his paintings, they are truly incredible. The colors, textures, size, subject matter and date of when they were painted is jaw dropping.
Depending on the age of the kids will depend on how simple or complex to make this. We had kids as young as 4 through the age of 11. For the little ones I had them use a cookie cutter to trace the image. Then they applied paint within the shape and in the background.
Tools needed:3x3 to 4x5 sheet of paper or canvas
(needs to be small as this is a time consuming project and you don't want the kids to get overwhelmed before they begin to see results)Acrylic paint
(I am an advocate of using the best paint you can afford, the pigment in higher quality paints make a difference! At the shop we use Liquitex.)q-tips
(you will need several, one for each color and then some as they do wear out)Get Ready for some fun Exploration!!1) Draw simple scene:
geometric shapes
2) Use primary colors: Create a pallet (can be tin foil, acrylic plate, or whatever you like to use)
3) Use dots of color to create.
Have the kids work with the primary colors to create secondary colors of orange, green and violet. By putting the dots very close together they will create not only texture, but your eye will also join the surrounding colors together, to create new colors!!
4) Continue your painting until all of your surface is covered with color.
5) Stand back and take pride in your accomplishment!
Would love to see pic's of anyone's artwork. Either in action or completion.