Alright, so this post is going to be pretty wordy. That may not be a big surprise to some, I seem to always have a lot to say. But with our school budget cuts continuing to affect our children and the arts becoming a prehistoric thought, I wanted to "enlighten" some to why this is a travesty to our kids. I realize I may be preaching to the choir here, but maybe there is someone you know that may gain some insight about the arts and the importance to our kids through this blog. Our world is now in a place, more than ever before, where we will need people that can help to pull us out of this space we are finding ourselves. People who have more creative thoughts, are self-driven, and push boundaries to find resolutions.
Traits unique to creative people.
Creative people are extremely alert perceptually. That is,
*They are observant of the world about them.
*They are aware of the way things feel to the touch.
*They listen to the sounds of life around them.
*They have a sensitivity for the way things smell.
*They are aware of the taste of things.
Creative people are builders of their ideas. That is,
*They like to construct things in materials.
*They prefer to rearrange old ideas into new relationships.
*They like to experiment with various approaches and media.
*They like to try out new methods and techniques.
*They prefer to manipulate their ideas in various ways.
*They like to solve problems which they set for themselves.
*They seek to push the boundaries of their thinking.
Creative people like to explore new ideas. That is,
*They are very original in their thoughts about things.
*They like to invent new was of saying and telling.
*They like to dream about new possibilities.
*They like to imagine and pretend.
Creative people are confident in themselves. That is,
*They are flexible in their approaches to situations.
*They like to be independent and on their own.
*They are outwardly expressive about what they have to say.
*They are not afraid to have emotional feelings and to show them.
Creative people like to investigate the nature of things. That is,
*They like to search for the meaning of things.
*They question available data and information.
*They like to inquire into unknown quantities.
*They discover new relationships.
*They desire to uncover new meanings.
Creative people are sensitive to aesthetic stimuli. That is,
*They are sensitive to the beauty of man and nature.
*They have a feeling for harmony and rhythm.
*They like to sing, dance, and write.
The creative person has specific attributes, abilities, or skills that he uses during the creative process or art experience. These attributes are sensitivity to problems (awareness), ideational and associational fluency (many ideas), flexibility (ability to change), originality (unusual responses), and redefinition (ability to improvise and adapt). These attributes are unique to the creative process. We can't continue to take these away from our children!
For those that would like to find more information, much of this research is from a book called,
Developing Artistic and Perceptual Awareness, by Earl W. Linderman and Donald W Herberholz.
And things that continue to make me smile!!

Designed and hand-sewn. Halloween is coming....

Tongues and toddlers. Everything gets into the action.

Students helping out with our fundraiser for Homeward Bound, throwing lots of soup bowls. November 15th, save the date for eating out of handmade bowls, full of handmade soup at our
Soup event. AND you get to take the handmade, hand decorated bowl home! Tickets on sale now for just $10 and all proceeds go to Homeward Bound!!