Sunday, October 26, 2008

PJ Party Pics

What Fun We Had!

The event started at 6:30 pm and ended at 9:30 pm. All participants were engaged and busy the full 3 hour adventure from games to art and even a little playing in the snow. Well, the snow part is what happens when you have a great imagination, a room full of kids and a lot of toilet paper on the floor.

One station that was set-up was creating your own trick-or-treat bag. We had acrylic paints, brushes and apples. Why apples? Because the shape is great for jack-o-lanterns! Cut just before the seeds and you are able to carve a jack-o-lantern's face. This now becomes a stamp that you can use over and over on trick-or-treat bags and other surfaces.

Another station was papier maché jack-o-lanterns. Covered balloons, brown craft paper and some wall paper paste created a great surface that is ready for carving and paint!

This game was so fun. The kids had to pick a partner, then one of them had to wrap the other in a full roll of toilet paper. It was fun to watch the different strategies and hearing all the laughter was my favorite part.

There were many proud mummy maker's.


What do you get from mummies? Snow!!

I love this picture.

Pumpkin bowling. It was a little crazy to be bowling with an unpredictable pumpkin.

Cupcakes at 9:00 p.m. Yes, and very yummy.

A great night!! Thanks everyone for coming and joining in the fun. Remember, PJ Party night is every 3rd Friday of every month ($30 for the 3 hours).

Saturday, October 11, 2008

To All Parents....October 17th date night!

First, let me thank all that stopped in for our Grand Opening! It was an overwhelming success. We had 4 clay pottery wheels going, every table was full, every chair was taken and people young and old creating!!! I would have loved to chat with many of the families that stopped in, unfortunately my attention was devoted to instructional "how-to's" on the wheels. Please know, however, that great gratitude is sent your way for making the day so special!

Pictures....uh, I didn't have a point that my hands weren't full of clay to push the button. A special thank-you to many. My husband for hanging out, chatting and helping (in between chasing Kaden around) for the full 4 hours. My mom and Grandpa Mark for being there early and staying late. My great friend Rachel who just jumped in and helped with anything that needed attention. Another wonderful friend who always seems to be there for me, Elisa. Our new instructor, Jean, who just volunteered her time to help out. And a special thanks to Jen for handing me that glass of wine that was needed 3 hours into "Okay, this is how you center, hold your hands steady, elbows close, now lean in......"

On to the next event happening in the studio. October 17th is PJ Party night. From 6:00-9:00 we will be hosting a party for children 5+ years of age. This is to allow the Mom's and Dad's of our community a night to enjoy each other without interruption. Maybe a night stroll, a dinner, movie or...... I am sure you could figure something out.

The evening for your children will be one of of fun. The cost is $30 per child for the full 3 hours and Studio 4 Art will have snacks, games and a Halloween art project or two. Reservations are required so that we have appropriate help and supplies.

Please RSVP via email ( or phone (415-596-5546)!! There is a link to email through our website as well.